Free pascal set code page get console mac#
Pas2js is written completely in FPC, runs on many platforms like Windows, Mac and Linux and more. The compiled Pascal functions can be used in DOM events or called by JavaScript. The goal is to use strong typing, while still be able to use low level whenever you choose. Pas2js is a compiler/transpiler to translate programs written in Pascal (subset of Delphi/ObjFPC syntax) to JavaScript. 47 Accessing JS object properties with the bracket accessor.43 The external modifier of class members.13 Translating passing a parameter by reference.If in doubt, the HTML can be fetched as text instead and converted to data in house. but I'm guessing this applies to downloading large files rather than a Web page's HTML. The Xcode documentation advises against using dataWithContentsOfURL: over a network, Set pageURL to |⌘| 's class "NSURL"'s URLWithString: (URLText ) Use AppleScript version "2.4" - OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) or later The code here's aimed specifically at the first date on a page (but can be modified) and doesn't include error handling. "Alternatively, if the above url is not working, grab the first date/time off this page's talk page." At the time of posting, the first date/time on the talk page is in Michael Mol's invitation to RC's Slack. Set ResultLabel.Text to select list item (list: split at first (text:get Right, at: PostTextBox.Text ), index: 1 ) Set Right to select list item (list: get Left, index: 2 ) Initialize local Left to split at first text (text: get responseContent, at: PreTextBox.Text ) When ScrapeWeb.GotText url,responseCode,responseType,responseContent do

This is how the code would look if it could be typed: It also has powerful text and list processing language blocks that simplify text scraping. 26, 21:51:17 UTC Universal TimeĪpp Inventor has a Web component that contains code blocks which simplify Web scraping. IF string in string (needle, NIL, line ) THEN print ( (line, new line ) ) FI On logical file end (freply, ( REF FILE freply ) BOOL : (done SKIP ) ) STRING line FILE freply associate (freply, reply ) INT rc = http content (reply, domain, haystack, 0 ) IF grep in string (re doctype, page, start, end ) = 0ĮLSE raise error ( "unknown format retrieving page" )ĮLSE raise error ( "unknown error retrieving page" ) Grep in string (re result description, page, start, end ) = 0 PROC is html page = ( REF STRING page ) BOOL : (īOOL out =grep in string (re success, page, NIL, NIL ) = 0 PROC raise error = ( STRING msg ) VOID : ( put (stand error, (msg, new line ) ) stop ) STRING # search for the needle in the haystack # Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release 1.18.0-9h.tiny STRING 8th \ Web-scrape sample: get UTC time from the US Naval Observatory: